Home Vitrina da Escola de vôo para o Aviação Geral. Produtos   Serviços

Demo name

 Demo address

 Demo nation

e-mail: Demo e-mail

Web: Demo web

Telefone: Demo telephone

Fax: Demo fax

Apresentação da escola de vôo

 Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school.

 Certificação JAR-FLC  yes


Conseguimento das licenças para o avião:

 PPL(A); Private Pilot Licence:  yes

 IR(A); Intrument Rating:  yes

 CPL(A); Commercial Pilot  Licence:  yes

 FI(A); Flight Instructor:  yes

 IRI(A); Instrument Rating Instructor:  yes

 CRI(A); Class Rating  Instructor:  yes

Conseguimento das licenças para o helicóptero:  PPL(H); Private Pilot Licence:  yes

 IR(H); Intrument Rating:  yes

 CPL(H); Commercial Pilot  Licence:  yes

 FI(H); Flight Instructor:  no

 IRI(H); Instrument Rating Instructor:  no

 TRI(H); T. Rating Instructor:  no

Cursos de teoria:  ATPL(A):  yes

 JAR-FCL/JAR-OPS per conversione licenze:  yes

Descrição dos aviões presentes na frota da escola de vôo:

 Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school.

Descrição dos helicópteros presentes na frota da escola de vôo:

 Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school.

Presença de simuladores de vôo:  yes
Tipologia de simulador de vôo:

 Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator.

Número das pistas:


QFU das pistas:

 Demo QFU
Tipologia das pistas:

 Erva:  no

 Terra batida:  no

 Asfalto:  yes

 Cimento:  no

Comprimento da pista:  Demo length
Escola de vôo para hidroaviões:  no
Escola de vôo para planadores:


Escola para pára-quedistas:

Atividade de avião-modelling:


Presença de uma oficina para a manutenção dos aviões:

Nível de manutenção do oficina:

 Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop.

Presença de hangares para os aviões:

Presença das largos em cimento/asfalto para o estacionamento dos aviões:


Possibilidade de abastecimento de combustível para os aviões:


Presença de laboratórios de computador para as lições de teoria:

Presença de laboratórios lingüísticos:


Possibilidade de alojamento:

Presença de um bar:


Presença de um restaurante:  yes
Presença de estruturas esportivas:  no

25/04/2005 16:51:30


Ghielmetti Massimiliano.   Partita Iva : 04931130969   Cod. Attività: 620909