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Formality of payment

The formalities of payment are the followings:

1)  payment through credit card on protected connection    2)  payment through bank transfer

3)  payment through international money order

5)  payment with the method PayPal.

Credit Card

The payment with credit card happens on sure file server SSL that guarantees a protected connection. The protected connection doesn't make to see to other people the inserted data. To access the protected connection:

Press Here


Bank transfer

The payment through bank transfer can be made with two different formalities: 

A) In direct way on the followings banking coordinates

     Bank account: 110171497
     Beneficiary: Ghielmetti Massimiliano
     ABI:  03165
  CAB:  01600
     CIN:  U
     BBAN:  U0316501600000110171497
     IBAN:  IT43U0316501600000110171497

In the casual one of the payment you must  write:

1) n° ID dell'ordine effettuato

2) surname 

3) name

The order through bank transfer is activated in the moment of receipt by fax of the attestation of the banking operation or with the attestation from our bank (the attestation from the bank requires around 3 days). Our n° of  fax is +39-02700447365


International money order

The international money order must to be expeditious to:

Massimiliano Ghielmetti 

Via G.B. Moroni, 22

20146 Milano


In the casual one of the payment you must  write:

1) n° ID of the order

2) surname 

3) name

The order through international money order becomes operational with the arrival of the money order. 

When the order becomes activated you will be informed through e-mail


Payment with the method PayPal

You must register his name to this service to make the payment. The e-mail where to make the payment is:

In the casual one of the payment you must  write:

1) surname

2) name

3) User-Id for our Portal

4)  password for our Portal

To pay with Pay Pal Press Here



Ghielmetti Massimiliano.   Partita Iva : 04931130969   Cod. Attivitą: 620909