Home    Insertion of the showcase   Products   Services

Description of the Company and of the products/services 

Name of the Company*: 

Address of the Company*:

VAT code/fiscal code*:

User ID*: 

For Your safety, uses a password not used in other internet services.


In which category you want to insert the showcase?*:



Cellular telephone: 



The marked fields with * are obligatory.

Presentation of your Company:

The presentation of your Society will be inserted in all the versions of our portal. It will be inserted with the language with which it is written. You can write the presentation in more languages. The languages of our versions are: English, French; Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

Description of the first product/service:

The descriptions of the products/services will be inserted in all the versions of our portal. They will be inserted with the language with which they is written. You can write her in more languages. The languages of our versions are: English, French; Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

Description of the second product/service:

Description of the third product/service:

Description of the fourth product/service:

Description of the fifth product/service:

Description of the sixth product/service:

Description of the seventh product/service:

Description of the eighth product/service:

In the showcase you can insert a photo of the Company (or your mark) and the eight photos of the products/services.

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Ghielmetti Massimiliano.   Partita Iva : 04931130969   Cod. Attivitą: 620909