Home  Escaparate de la escuela de vuelo por ultraligeros  Producidos  Servicios

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 Demo address

 Demo nation

e-mail: Demo e-mail

Web: Demo web

Teléfono: Demo telephone

Fax: Demo fax

Presentación de la Escuela de vuelo

  Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school. Demo presentation of the flight school.

Escuela de vuelo por trike:


Escuela de vuelo por aviones ultraligeros a tres ases:  yes
Escuela de vuelo por helicópteros ultraligeros:  yes
Escuela de vuelo por paracaídas con motor:  no
Escuela de vuelo por planeadores:  yes
Escuela de vuelo por hidroplanos ultraligeros:  no
Escuela de paracaidismo:  no
Actividad de aeromodelismo:  yes
Descripción de los velívolos presentes en la flota de la escuela de vuelo:

  Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school.

Descripción de los velívolos presentes en la flota de la escuela de vuelo:

  Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school. Demo type and the number of the present aircrafts in the fleet of the flight school.

Presencia de simuladores de vuelo:   yes
Tipo de simulador:

  Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator. Demo typology of flight simulator.

Número de las pistas de vuelo:


QFU de las pistas de vuelo:

  Demo QFU
Tipo de pista:

 Hierba: yes

 Tierra batido: no

 Asfalto: no

 Cemento: no

Largo de la pista: metros  Demo Length

Presencia de un taller por la manutención de los velívolos:

Nivel de manutención del officina:

 Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. Demo level of maintenance of the workshop. level of maintenance of the workshop. level of maintenance of the workshop. level of maintenance of the workshop. level of maintenance of the workshop.

Presencia de hangar por los velívolos:

Presencia de plazuelas en cemento/asfalto por el aparcamiento de los velívolos:


Posibilidad de abastecimiento de carburante:


Presencia de aulas multimediales por las lecciones teóricas:

Presencia de laboratorios por la enseñanza de la lengua inglesa:


Posibilidad de alojamiento:

Presencia de un bar:


Presencia de un restaurante:  no
Presencia de estructuras deportivas:  no

25/04/2005 18:02:46


Ghielmetti Massimiliano.   Partita Iva : 04931130969   Cod. Attività: 620909