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Insertion of the data of the Customer and of the Banner



Fiscal code*:



City/urban district/rural district*: 


Zip code/code postal*: 




Cellular telephone: 



The safeguard of the personal data is guaranteed from the D.givo 196/2003 of the legislation of the Italian Republic for the safeguard of the privacy.

you now insert an User-id and a password for the management of the advertisement and of the banner.

User ID*: 

For Your safety, uses a password not used in other internet services.


Confirmation of the password*:

The marked fields with * are obligatory.

What option you choose for the Banner:

In the case of Banner created free by our organization, you insert the following data:

Name of the aircraft that you want to insert in the banner

Price of the aircraft that you want to insert in the banner:

In which section of the Shop you want to insert the advertisement?*

Which subscription do you choose?*

The prices include the cost of the consignment of the fiscal invoice and the taxes.

Which form of payment do you choose (credit card Visa-Master Card, method PayPal, banking transaction, international money order)?* 

If the form of payment is the credit card (VISA - MasterCard), for the payment you will be transferred on a protected connection

The marked fields with * are obligatory.

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Ghielmetti Massimiliano.   Partita Iva : 04931130969   Cod. Attività: 620909